Pura Vida - Costa Rica

Pura Vida - Costa Rica

Costa Rica's charm lies in its lush rainforests, unspoiled beaches and abundant  wildlife.  Recognized as one of The world’s leading nations for ecological sustainability, Costa Rica is also known as one of the happiest, and most peaceful countries, which is quite evident as the locals here really do live by the phrase 'Pura Vida' (the good life), which means channelling a super-healthy lifestyle, from eating well to immersing themselves in nature.

Wellness and wellbeing is taken to a higher level, making Costa Rica the ideal destination to reboot and fully recharge. 
So when Island Babe Christi Idavoy, owner of Polestar Pilates Biscayne extended an invitation for us to collaborate, we hapily joined her at The “You and the Earth Are One” retreat, we travelled to Central America for a 4 night stay at the Eco-friendly Resort, Macaw Lodge.  
We practiced daily sessions of yoga and meditation, enjoyed the most delicious local plant based meals which restored our energy to hike through the thick rainforest and waterfalls. This has truly been a blissful experience, not only the spiritual reconnection, but also the sisterly bond created with new and old friends. Costa Rica we love you…Pura Vida.
Photography By Heather Slesar

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