Fall Equinox

Fall Equinox

What a Summer! We happily said goodbye to summer 2020.  This was an extremely challenging time for most of us dealing with the global pandemic, social unrest, and for some of us in the West, the California wildfires.  As we leave the summer heat behind; we welcome the crisp colorful leaves and cooler temperatures.  

The Fall represents a time for both personal and environmental transformations. It’s the perfect time to reflect and embrace universal change brought about by source elements. On this beautiful last day of Summer; we celebrated a special evening to celebrate the Fall Equinox, hosted by Teressa Foglia to raise funds for the recent California wildfires, and also to support the Malibu Fig Ranch that is still recovering from the Woolsey Fire. If you’ve been to Malibu and never visited the farm, you’re in for a treat! The Malibu Fig Ranch boasts a Farm-shop featuring fresh from the field crops, grown on the farm using biodynamic farming techniques. The farm is also a teaching farm to help showcase and help other organic farmers with the techniques and best practices of farming and growing bio-dynamically.

In true Malibu fashion, the night was boho-chic, floaty maxi dresses, oversized kimonos, and Teressa Foglia’s bespoken Hats. It was a spectacular Night of Giving Back in the company of like minds with beautiful energy. A perfect way to welcome the Fall. Cheers to a new season!

Love and Light,


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