Things to do near Palm Springs: Top 5 Wellness Experiences

Things to do near Palm Springs: Top 5 Wellness Experiences


Desert Divinity

Did you know that scaling mountains connects us with mother Earth, keeps us grounded and also builds our endurance? The vibrations of Gaia's untouched landscapes, painted by divine hands, can cleanse, nourish, and heal the soul. Often overlooked is the great desert expanse. Stretching beyond horizons, the desert vibrates with the energy of purity, peace, and natural inner sovereignty. When visiting Palm Springs/Joshua Tree area, here are 5 Healing and Wellness Experiences to Explore.

Island Tribe Cacao Ceremony 

Governed by the Divine Feminine, cacao fosters expansion and receptivity. Cacao is a nurturing herbal ally providing comfort, as it inspires emotional release, self-acceptance, and self-love. Combined with gentle yoga for grounding and transcendental frequencies of the sound bath, the cacao ceremony reawakens connection, understanding, and sincere appreciation of your most authentic self.

Described as "magickal," "transformational," "healing," and "soulful" by attendees, this is an opportunity no spiritual seeker should miss. Read the reviews here

The Integratron Sound Bath

Just as soaking in a warm bath cleanses, soothes, and melts away tension, so does the fully immersive transcendent experience of the Integraton Sound Bath. You will experience 35 minutes of the healing resonance of 20 crystal bowls, heightening awareness, fostering energetic alignment, and reawakening the self-healing capabilities of mind, body, and soul. The remaining hour will be dedicated to integrating the restorative resonance of the sound, allowing you to emerge renewed and revitalized.


Energy Candle Making Experience 

 Island Tribe Energy Candle Experience

 Fire has always been a vital part of celebration, manifestation, rites, and rituals. Surrounded by lush mountain views in their soothing studio and guided by the warm and compassionate Island Tribe instructors, you can learn how to blend scents, crystals, and, most importantly, intentions crafting candles that enrich your self-care practice. As an added bonus, the Energy Candle Making Experience also features guided meditation, igniting the spiritual fires within. Described as "relaxing, healing, and meditative" and "very fun," this experience is the perfect blend of recreation and restoration. You will also get your very own candle to take home with you! Find out more here.


  Sunrise or Sunset Hike in Joshua Tree 

Hiking before 10 am and after 4 is best to avoid heat exhaustion. However, dusk and dawn are also deeply spiritual, high vibrational, magickal times of day! Aligning with the dawn can support the manifestation and attraction of new beginnings, transition, and transformation. Meditating on the spirit of dusk can foster release, letting go, forgiveness, and closure.

Depending on your fitness level, you may want to explore shorter, less strenuous trails for reflection, inner stillness, and spiritual awakening, or more challenging treks to manifest spiritual breakthroughs by pushing your body's limits and transcending the boundaries of mind, heart, and spirit.

Find the trail that is right for you  here

 Spa Day at the Luxurious La Quinta Resort

Self-care looks different from one person to the next, from one day to the next! Just as our souls need stillness and introspection, our bodies desire indulgence and our heart desire play. You can find all that at La Quinta resorts or through the adventures and experiences they offer! The resort's 41 crystalline pools, 53 hot tubs, championship golf courses, and renowned spa mean you can take the family along to indulge in a sumptuous spa experience or set them free to pursue whatever nourishes their soul.Read the satisfied reviews here

You are nature itself!

 In a world full of doctors, gurus, medicine, and magick, possibilities for healing are plentiful! Yet, when it comes to your wellbeing, the best healer is your own intuitive wisdom and higher knowing, and often the most overlooked "medicine" is Gaia's. The reverential love awakened when you observe Gaia's creation will undoubtedly foster deeper self-love as you realize you are not just observing nature. You are nature itself.




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1 comentario
  • Angeline these events are so inspiring and the beautiful photos nurturing even just to look at. Island Tribe is special.
    What a beautiful find!

    Mariangela Crowley Walker en

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